
Hi, my name is Anna!

For me Art is a conscious or subconscious expression of what is living inside me. It can happen that i am drawing and that what i see happening on the paper makes me sad or uncomfortable. Then I try to adapt my drawing and while doing so i transform my feelings into a merry feeling. Over the years I have practiced a lot and reached a level that can satisfy my own needs till a certain extent, although there is always room for further development. I like to work with amorphity which is a form of drawing where one shape fluidly changes into another. Also Rhythm is of great inspiration coming from a background in percussion, (guitar, piano, flute and vocals). Also Patterns interest me since they are, like rhytm, a part of our daily life. In the visual as well as the unvisible sense of the word. Paper is quite a demanding medium that keeps repelling and attracting me. Also boundries in every sense of the word are interesting to me. My hypothesis is that looking at patterns (that are build up out of rhythmical shapes) can help us find our own rhithm in life. Looking at patterns that are being broken could help us breaking through rusted patterns and habits in our own life. Paper doesn’t just take no for an answer and wants to be treated well since trees were killed for it. It can sometimes feel as a burden to keep using trees but still paper is my friend. It helped me making portraits of people wich made communication more interresting. Paper is the younger brother of the Canvas or wallpainting which is the ultimate goal. Through drawing it has been possible to leave something behind. Like a present or a diary. Paper and I, we keep serving eachother. When something is hard to express one can always try on paper. Hopefully this will inspire and amuse people till the end of times.

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Verhaal over kunstwerken nog invullen hier en op deze Post kun meerdere (oneindig veel fotos en tekst toevoegen)